Identity, redefined.

10Edge Solutions is your trusted partner in Cyber Security Services. Let us secure your digital assets while unlocking the full potential of your organization.

Let me tell you a little story...

About us

(We're vain like that)

Comprehensive Client Service Experience

We believe in building lasting relationships with partners and clients. By maintaining close contact and understanding their unique requirements, we provide a comprehensive client service experience.

10Edge Solutions is a premier Cyber Security Services company that specializes in delivering vendor-certified Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources to organizations across the UAE, the GCC region and Africa.

Enabling Protection and Streamlined Operations

At 10Edge Solutions, we understand the paramount importance of safeguarding digital assets while ensuring streamlined operations. That's why we provide our clients with qualified and experienced IAM professionals who possess vendor certifications, enabling them to implement tightly integrated identity security solutions and robust access management layers. Our team's expertise enables organizations to fortify their security defenses and optimize their operations, delivering tangible business benefits.

Collaborating with Top Cybersecurity Providers

To deliver best-in-class identity management solutions, we forge partnerships with leading vendors. These collaborations empower us to provide cutting-edge solutions that enhance security, simplify compliance, and foster business growth. With a strong emphasis on innovation, we engage with partners to anticipate industry trends and stay ahead of challenges. This proactive approach enables us to consistently offer solutions that meet clients' needs and prepare them for future demands.


What we offer

  • 1
    Your peace of mind.

    We'll Identify, investigate and respond to any genuine cyber attack quickly to minimise any potential impact to your organisation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

  • 2
    Minimal disruption to your IT estate and teams

    Centralised view across all technologies including Microsoft and any third party security implementations without the need for purchasing any further technologies to go live with the service

  • 3
    Continuously improving your security posture

    With monthly service reviews with our Service Managers included in the service, you'll understand areas of risk or gaps in your security defences with remedial recommendations to help improve your cyber security resilience.

  • 4
    Making investigations easy and effective

    We'll securely store your security logs to be able to investigate historical events easily

How we do it


Multi-factor Authentication

Some apps are old or not very good at keeping your information safe. They only ask for your name and password, which can be easy to guess or steal. Hackers can use them to get into your accounts and do bad things.

We need to make these apps better or use other ways to protect them. This can be hard and cost a lot of money, but it's important to keep your information safe. Otherwise, hackers can cause a lot of trouble.

One way to protect these apps is to use multi-factor authentication. This means that you need more than just a password to get into your account. You also need something else that shows who you are, like your phone, your finger, or your face. This makes it harder for hackers to pretend to be you.

Multi-factor authentication is one of the best ways to protect your information and accounts from hackers. It reduces the risk of data breaches and can help you get insurance if something goes wrong. It also makes sure that different apps can work together safely.

In summary, some apps are not very good at keeping your information safe. We need to make them better or use multi-factor authentication to protect them. This will help us avoid hackers and keep our data secure.


Security Information & Event Management

SIEM helps organizations protect their data and systems from hackers and other threats. SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management, which means it collects and analyzes information from different sources, such as computers, phones, apps, or networks. SIEM can detect if something unusual or malicious is happening, such as someone trying to break into your account or install malware on your device. SIEM can also alert you or someone else who can help you when there is a problem, and address it quickly. SIEM is like a security camera watching over your data and systems and keeping them safe

Some of the drivers for SIEM are:
Some organizations need to follow certain rules or standards to protect their data and systems, such as health care providers or financial institutions. SIEM can help them collect and report the information they need to show that they are following the rules and avoid penalties or fines.

Threat detection:
Some organizations face a lot of threats from hackers or other attackers who want to steal their data or disrupt their operations, such as online retailers or government agencies. SIEM can help them detect and respond to these threats faster and more effectively, and reduce the damage they can cause.

Security efficiency:
Some organizations have a lot of data and systems to protect, but not enough people or resources to do it well, such as small businesses or nonprofits. SIEM can help them automate some of the security tasks and workflows, and make better use of their limited time and budget.


Identity Security

In the fast-evolving landscape of modern business, the effective management of user identities and access privileges is of paramount importance. A cutting-edge identity governance and access management solution is an invaluable asset for any organization aiming to ensure operational efficiency, security, and compliance.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs

We understand that every organization has unique IAM challenges and goals, so we customize our solutions to fit their specific requirements and expectations.

We thoroughly assess the current IAM state, identify the gaps and risks, and design a roadmap for improvement and transformation.

We leverage our industry knowledge and best practices to deliver solutions that align with our client's business objectives and regulatory standards.

End-to-End Services for Seamless Delivery

We provide comprehensive IAM services that cover the entire lifecycle of the solution, from planning and design to deployment and support.

We ensure smooth and timely delivery of the solution, with minimal disruption to the existing operations and systems.

We offer ongoing maintenance and support services, including monitoring, troubleshooting, patching, and upgrading, to ensure optimal performance and security of the solution.

Continuous Innovation for Future-Ready Solutions

Vendor-Certied Resources

We constantly monitor the evolving IAM landscape and adopt the latest technologies and trends to enhance our solutions and services.

We collaborate with our clients to identify new opportunities and challenges, and provide innovative solutions that address their emerging needs and expectations.

We help our clients stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge in the digital economy, by enabling them to leverage the full potential of their IAM capabilities.

The 10Edge commitment

At 10Edge, we understand the challenges of maintaining the safety and integrity of your IT systems and data. We offer a team of experienced security professionals ready to address any challenge swiftly and effectively. Our responsive approach ensures that we listen to your requirements and match them with optimal solutions and experts. Our global team is equipped to work with you either remotely or in person, accommodating your preferences. With a core focus on your satisfaction, our guiding principles prioritize you as our top concern, while fostering mutual respect and support within our team. We consistently exceed expectations, making collaboration both seamless and enjoyable, driven by honesty and ethical conduct. Our commitment to ongoing learning and enhancement ensures that we deliver cutting-edge expertise in IT security. From access management and authentication solutions to safeguarding data, systems, and websites, we provide comprehensive protection. Whether securing files across devices, fortifying databases, or addressing vulnerabilities, we bring a holistic approach to fortifying your IT environment.


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10Edge Solutions